I-95 Biddeford Maine Webcams
I-95 Mile 31 Sorthbound @ Route 111, Biddeford Maine
I-95 Northbound @ Route 111, Biddeford Maine Webcam
WARNING: Check Time Stamp on videos if you plan on relying on traffic conditions. Some MDOT Traffic Cam images stick with old images still live.
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Biddeford Maine Webcam provides live streaming video from the Exit 32, Route 111 area, where it intersects with the I-95 Northbound. The camera is positioned towards the north and provides an up-to-date view of the weather and traffic conditions in the area. This webcam is useful for anyone traveling or commuting through the area, as it can help them stay informed about the current conditions of the road. It is maintained by the Maine Turnpike Authority.
Biddeford, Maine